segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2013

uma pergunta ao vento :

                                                                                                                                                                    sonya grimes
This was that second when you watch something in television that keep your eye and your hear stuck. This was that moment that I have started to pay attention to the sound that was coming out from the screen. This was the moment I have stopped looking at Ivy and Raj and I just saw something else. These was those minutes I realised that maybe Sia have written this to another girl out there:
send a wish upon a star, do the work and you'll go far
send a wish upon a star, make a map and there you are

send a hope upon a wave, a dying wish before the grave
send a hope upon a wave, for all the souls you failed to save

and you stood tall, now you will fall
don't break the spell, of a life spent trying to do well

 send a question in the wind, it's hard to know where to begin
so send the question in the wind, and give an answer to a friend

place your past into a book, put in everything you ever took
place your past into a book, burn the pages let them cook

in: some people have real problems'08

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