quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2018

the choice :

                                                                                                                  charlotte oc

i wanna feel your pain / your loss becomes my gain
i want the shame you feel / i want the same for me
could have security, but that would make me weak
just drop me now, you know i'm dying to hit the ground

 if i had the choice / you would kill me into heaven
all that noise, i hear everybody talking
let them, let them feel my force 

'cause i know how it ends / in your dad's car sitting in the layby
with my makeup down my face and your eyes bone dry
'cause if it doesn't hurt / how would it ever work?
i've tried .
 but if all the love we made was just to keep me


terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2018

jorja :

never had to wait for love
always thought it'd come around
you come for me
but i'm nowhere to be found
cancellations for conversations
i can't be tied down


quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2018

the square :

                                                                                                                                                           deva mahal

   in your darkest hour, the past will guide you to move, even if just a few steps. grab the deepest words and write them down. ask people to talk to you. ask people to come back. in the darkest (y)our(s), you will find out how it was when you have felt so gentle and sleazy. all will move through you and you will feel everything again, like an hurricane.  maybe tears will fall, but nothing will be on the floor no more except your feet. have you ever seen her look like that? is this the first time you see her grey hair? she is still the girl next door and i've watched her burn. tread love carefully with a smooth heart but with no sympathy.  touch everything like the first time. take risks. fall in love, but this time for true. do not pretend to be the perfect choice.  take it where you want to.  be the man she was asking for and be her back.  make the mistakes your fortress and the secret of both of you. she wishes she already owns this path to run to.

quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2018

nirvana :

what I've learned from a traveler
there's no road that can lead to nirvana
there's a world to discover
but home is love, hmm
what I've learned from a mirror
look too hard and you'll find you a stranger
love is just a decision
the choice is yours


segunda-feira, 5 de novembro de 2018

segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2018

that afternoon :

strengh . air . home . hair . street . child . hands . you . pillow . 
arms . words . chair . body . eyes . green . her . years . beautiful . life . mind .   


domingo, 28 de outubro de 2018

the power of waiting. the power of wanting.

we wait, keep telling ourservelves to keep on pushing when it hurts like hell 
on and on and on and on and on
time is wasted
we keep bleending all the meaning of love
and you're nowhere, going nowhere
it's not enough!

what's wrong of giving up? 


sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2018

gone too far :

got me on somethin' / it's a strange type of lovin'
i've gone too far to let you go, oh / i want hold to your rebel soul
you keep my heart pumpin' / got me chasin' and runnin'
go far to keep you close / take hold of your rebel soul


quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2018

sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2018

segunda-feira, 8 de outubro de 2018

new body :

it's been a long time coming / you try to fight / but this a losing battle
 i can't go any further / if you only know
trueyou truly make me feel good
and i know you'd / do anything that you could to make me happy
but i was set on fire / and you can't heal these burns
the tears i've cried / could fill a river wide
so i say no


terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2018

segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2018

this song has your (mine) name :

and this is what you are, what we are, what we cannot be


you're up, i'm just getting in
so rough, god knows where i've been
your eyes are staring at my sins
there's no time to speak our minds

i'm up and you're just getting in
so tough, two wrongs never win

your hands are pressed against my skin

there's no time to speak our minds

all of our frustrations on hold
'cause you don't know the life that i know
standing straight but I'm off the wall
you need love but i'm in my zone

even when we're both got nothing on
life's so fine, still wait to come between us
never tell me that you're close to done
i hate to be your one and only witness
'd love to be the one that stays with you forever

i don't wanna let you go
I just think that you should know
i'm unstable


quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2018

here :

 cause NOTHING can be loved into SOMETHING


terça-feira, 18 de setembro de 2018

segunda-feira, 17 de setembro de 2018

the north :

                                                                                                                                                       amalia zinser

bring me the acoustic, bring me the peaceful mind, bring me the other day. 
forgetting the last night, erasing the embrase, spleeping over you.
cleaning my skin, paiting my lips, putting the glasses on me. 
empower my arms. desarming yours. 
looking at him like before. caring about him after you.
ending theatre.

… nobody cares about where we go …


sábado, 1 de setembro de 2018

there is no venus about you :


he had brought me here :

caught in the memory of yesterday
gone with the river
gone with the rain
gone is the reason that i called your name

i held you higher than my own happiness
but you felt the need to come between our arrangements

segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2018

you, james :


i finally met you. i finally looked at you in the eyes. i finally recognize how tall you are. i finally could hear you sing at my ears. you do not know - i wasn't able to tell you everything - but you have been on my path all these years, teaching me how to be more pure and more real.  when i have got next to you, i just forgot all the speech i have prepared at home, you have just blown me away! we have a cup of gin together, we have talked, you hug me (!) and when i asked how do you feel when you have Portugal just falling in love with you, you came out with the simple answer  "i think people get the honesty on the songs" …  simple as this, true as that.
  thank you, james.  

i do hope you can meet again in the future. i really do. now i am safe inside.


sexta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2018

his place :

last night we were in our bad timing. we have stayed late and we have touched late. 
leaving bruises in all the forbiden spaces. last night we forgot how everyone knows us and we park near your place. bringing the heat from outside to between us. last time we went wrong. so care for me and care for you. give it to me and i will give to you. even with all those limits and boundaries. even with that touch and go. last night we were in our bad timing. 


segunda-feira, 30 de julho de 2018

feitiço :

you are the sorceress. you came and settle down here. with no please or excuse me. you manage me like your perfume. you knock on the door with no gentleness. come along like a silent breeze and go away like a tornado. you were the sorceress that night. you have appeared out of the blue and gave colour to a grey day. and i was there listening to you for the first time and i let you embrace me. 


sábado, 21 de julho de 2018

mornings :

since that time
on the subway
on tv series
on the way home

quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2018

32 :

ela abriu a porta sem tocar à campainha. entrou e sentou-se ao meu lado. vimos filmes juntas no sofá, à lareira, em dias de inverno. nas minhas festas de aniversário, ela estava ali sempre junto à aparelhagem ainda com leitor de K7 com diferentes estórias para me contar. soltei lágrimas constantes com ela; larguei sorrisos largos e também danças incríveis que o meu corpo exigia. sempre acreditei na sua verdade, mas acima de tudo na sua ingenuidade de não saber, quase nunca, do pode que tem, e do que faz às pessoas que a rodeiam. não me lembro ao certo de quando aquela porta se abriu, nem do que ela trazia vestido. nunca se foi embora daqui e a teimosia dela é uma imperatriz. Impõe-me um respeito incontornável e rouba-me dias a fio, horas em que me perco com ela por estradas sem traços descontínuos. sempre que abro o coração para ela, ela entra, assim ...

era adolescente quando esta canção ecoou em mim. pensei no caminho que estaria à minha frente e no que sentiria quando tivesse 32 anos. Não tinha certezas de nada, como agora tenho poucas incertezas de tudo. O poder da letra perfura-me a serenidade. Mas nunca nada foi tão certo como esta sensação ... 

"i found you standing there when i was seventeen.
now i am 32 and i can't remember what i've seen in you"

não desapareças. nunca fujas. não feches a porta.  

obrigada, música! 

on days like these i do :


sábado, 3 de março de 2018

winters in rain :


vulcão sem chão :

                                                                                                              neta-lee herslag
é amor. ela sabe que é. a certeza dar-lhe firmeza. as mentiras são pequenas tiras de um dia qualquer. sem querer cruza-se com a luz dos olhos dele. e faz dele o que quer. fica cega de sensações com as vibrações nas mãos. chega-lhe o bastante e com isso tira os sonhos da estante. vasculha o fundo e reza por aquele dia profundo. aquele em que ele a atira ao azul do céu sem véu. usa o vestido com as flores para não se esquecer das cores que ele lhe deu. olha para a noite com a confiança de quem abraça até a traição. bate o pé por um finca pé.  adora e devora. agita e grita. conversa e dispersa. é vulcão sem chão. é amor.
