"Rob Orme, alias Submerse, is a 23-year-old DJ/producer who happens to be making some of the most heartbreakingly beautiful (dance) music anywhere on the planet", escreve o The Guardian sobre ele. Não discordo. Nada. Nem um minuto.
Só que não são coisas do meu gosto (mesmo!), mas este video tem qualquer coisa. Tal como a 'Belong', 'So True', 'You Are Not Alone' e 'I'd Rather Have You' (my favourite).
E adoro a forma como o jornal termina isto: "The comments from listeners on the SoundCloud are instructive: they include "wow", "oh my" and dozens more variations on the gasp and shudder. This is dance music that, like New Order and Pet Shop Boys before it, reestablishes the dancefloor not as haven for hedonists but as site for the expression and exorcism of heartache. Oh, and his favourite Ninja Turtle is Leonardo." Tem tão pouco de submerso.
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